A FinTech Platform To Take Your Business To The Next Level​


Everything a startup and CEO need at a click


BFSI TechTalks: What are the Current Trends in the FinTech Market?

Metaverse, Web 3.0, DeFi, blockchain, tokenization, what do such terms mean and what current market trends do they symbolize? Why has there been a sudden growing interest in these terms over the past few months? In this episode, Wayne and Buck discuss on how to incorporate these concepts efficiently to build your business the right way and keep it up to date with the industry and its demands.


BFSI TechTalks: How to Grow your FinTech by Aligning with Big Companies?

As an entrepreneur or start-up founder, piggybacking with a big vendor can be beneficial to your own survival and success in this industry. In this episode, Wayne and Buck breakdown how, with the fast evolving nature of this industry, even the big companies have identified that they will not be able to keep up and therefore need to form symbiotic relationships with smaller FinTechs leading to your entry into the market.


BFSITechTalks: Why do Marketing Strategies matter?

Buck Kulkarni and Wayne Brown break down the fine line between investment & viability and the product marketing strategy to build a strong road map of the product, its long term prospects and consumer needs. Find out how to build awareness, generate traction and greatly improve the sustainability of the business and the viability of the product.


Startup ‘C’ & BoD Should Do This Too!

Information security challenges bring out two big chasms. One between the small and big organizations and the other between operating and executive teams. Executives and boards have a huge role to play in an organization’s security event resolution that is not well understood or practiced, specially at startups for a variety of reasons.

Tabletops, designed and delivered by experts, are a great way to engage the C suite and Boards, helping them appreciate the spectrum and significance of these events without the technical mumbo-jumbo and using their wisdom and judgement to navigate the unknowns that baffle even the most seasoned tech teams.


Why does Social Responsibility matter?

In this episode, Buck Kulkarni and Wayne delve into how being an independent entrepreneur provide you with the ability to think globally and act locally with communities and help the people in need by measuring the idea of success not in monetary terms but more so in the number of lives touched.

Gymnastics Championships

Lessons from the High Bar

The US Gymnastics Championship at Texas provided the best inspiration to be better at what you do and to turn a tough situation into a Victory