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Startup ‘C’ & BoD Should Do This Too!

Information security challenges bring out two big chasms. One between the small and big organizations and the other between operating and executive teams. Executives and boards have a huge role to play in an organization’s security event resolution that is not well understood or practiced, specially at startups for a variety of reasons.

Tabletops, designed and delivered by experts, are a great way to engage the C suite and Boards, helping them appreciate the spectrum and significance of these events without the technical mumbo-jumbo and using their wisdom and judgement to navigate the unknowns that baffle even the most seasoned tech teams.

Gymnastics Championships

Lessons from the High Bar

The US Gymnastics Championship at Texas provided the best inspiration to be better at what you do and to turn a tough situation into a Victory

Tracking, Testing and Treatment banner image

Tracing, Testing and Treatment

A direct parallel can be drawn between the three Ts that all Info-security professionals are familiar with and the current COVID-19 situation. We are best at Treatment, somewhat struggling with Testing, but we know what needs to be done. We are probably the at the worst with Tracing.